One of the original hopes for the WCB was that it would enable a safe community where members could reliably trust one another (as all Badge Holders had a proven minimum set of standards in common) so that respectful discussions could be held over new research & different treatments/care provided to wildlife, and more. We hope that this will be of benefit to Rescuers & wildlife alike.
We’re really pleased to announce that we’re now planning to start these sorts of meetings for WCB Holders, in 2024, in late Autumn/early Winter.
The meetings (which will be voluntary) would be structured as follows…
If a Badge Holder would like to present about a new treatment they have tried (or just a treatment they're interested in and would like to chat about) they can invite other Badge Holders to a zoom meeting to discuss it.
If a Badge Holder would like to just suggest a general topic to discuss (such topic examples could be any new research or new RCVS changes or updated legislation or potential new medications) they can invite other Badge Holders to a zoom meeting to discuss it.
A few topics for discussion have already been suggested (these will be shared later on in the year). If you’d like to submit a topic for discussion, you are SO welcome to & please use our CONTACT FORM to do so.